Cloud Computing Case Study — 2015

A case study on Cloud Computing which studies about what is Cloud Computing, history, different types & services offered by Cloud Computing, Pros, and Cons.

Cloud Computing Case Study

• Cloud computing is a different kind of computing which is based on sharing computer resources other than local servers or personal devises to handle our personal information.

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Spell Checker — 2015

Using this application, we can check English language word spellings.

Spell Checker

• Design and development of spell checker application using a procedural computer programming language.

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Design and optimization of molecules using Avogadro — 2015

Design and optimization of molecules using the software, Avogadro, and finding bond lengths, bond angles and molecular energies based on MM force field.

Engineering Materials Project

• By using Avogadro software, we are building molecular structures, formatting input files, and analyzing output of a wide variety of computational chemistry packages.

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Working with Mail server on AWS (Amazon Web Services), designed on Cloud system administration — May 2017 - June 2017

Setup work-mail system for an organization with the help of cloud service Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Cloud Computing App

• Amazon WorkMail is a secure, controlled commercial enterprise electronic mail and calendar provider with help for current computer and cellular electronic mail purchaser applications.

Building And Optimization of Molecular Structures using Avogadro Software — 2016

Building and optimization of molecular structures using Avogadro software.

Engineering Chemistry Project

• To find the various bond angles, bond lengths between different bonds i.e, single, double and triple of same or different elements.

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Bi-directional code converter: Binary code to Gray code & Gray code to Binary code — 2016

Design and development of Bi-directional code converter: Binary code to Gray code & Gray code to Binary code using Logisim.

Bi-Direction Code Converter Logisim

• Code is a symbolic representation of discrete information. Codes are of different types. Gray Code is one of the most important codes. It is a non-weighted code which belongs to a class of codes called minimum change codes. In this codes while traversing from one step to another step only one bit in the code group changes. In case of Gray Code, two adjacent code numbers differs from each other by only one bit.

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